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Billie Holiday - Summertime
Píseň z alba: Billie Holiday Selected Favorites, Vol. 7, Night and Day, Columbia Original Masters, Chillin' With Billie, This Is Jazz, Vol. 32: Billie Holiday Sings Standards, The Lady Sings, Classic Billie Holiday, Lady Day from A to Z, Vol. 4, The Immortal Lady Day, Volume 1, This Is Jazz 32: Billie Holiday Sings Standards, Top 10 Trax, Summer Time, Billie holiday masterpieces, 50 Original Recordings, Jazz Masters, Fine & Mellow: The Best Of Billie Holiday, The Classic Years - Vol 1, The Blues Of Billie, Lady Day: The Best Of Billie Holiday, Pennies From Heaven, The Best of Billie Holiday, The Mood That I'm In, The Essential Billie Holiday, The Quintessential Billie Holiday, Volume 2, Them There Eyes, Strange Fruit & 49 succès, Jeepers Creepers - The Ultimate Lady Day Best Songs, Summertime: Very Best of Billie Holiday, Billie Sings the Blues, All Billie - 50 Songs, Forever Gold - As Time Goes By, Forever, Loverman, Essence Of, The Complete Billie Holiday, 100 Hits Legends - Billie Holiday, It's Too Hot for Words, Trad Jazz Legends Billie Holiday, Icon - Billie Holiday, Jazz Gershwin, The Essence of Billie Holiday, Beautiful Ballads & Love Songs, Playlist: The Very Best Of Billie Holiday, Legends, I Like Jazz: The Essence Of Billie Holiday, The Best Of, The Quintessential Billie Holiday Volume II, No Regrets, This Is Jazz #32: Billie Holiday Sings Standards, Ladies In Jazz - Billie Holiday Vol 3, This Is Jazz, Jukebox Hits, Forever Yours, The Finest, The Best Of Billie Holiday - A Fine Romance, Ultimate Legends, 30 Original Hits, Ultimate Legends: Billie Holiday, Billie Holiday Sings Standards, Summertime, Who Loves You, Disco De Oro - Billie Holiday, The Great American Songbook, Lady Day, The Incomparable Volume 1, Me, Myself & I, "Make Mine A Double" - Two Great Albums For The Price Of One, Songs From The 30's, Summertime - 4 Track EP, Portrait Of An Artist, Unique, The Very Best Of, The Very Best Vol.3, Feel the Blues